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The Church
a place for meeting other Christians and meeting with God
This is really important. Sometimes we think we can live our lives as followers of Jesus with just us and God. But actually the Bible tells us that we need to get together with other Christians if that is at all possible. You need to find a church or group of people who are following Jesus too and who will help you on your journey with him. If you are not too sure about this, then why not contact us and we will try and put you in touch with a church that will be able to help you.
Like all groups of people we will not always get on with every Christian that we meet, but it is great to find others who will help you learn more about Jesus and you can talk about the Bible and prayer and any other questions. There are lots of different church styles - some are large groups, some are small, some are quieter and others are more lively, some also have good children’s activities. But look for a church where you feel ‘at home’ that will help you in the journey.