Who’s looking for who?
There's an amazing fact in the{rokbox title=| Bible| size=|640 390|}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5qdXWnvynE&list=FLpMM4oBQYaYp5gj2vKigwDg&index=8&feature=plpp_video{/rokbox} which tells us that even before we came looking for God, God the Father came looking for us!
That is great news because it means that the journey we are on is one which God wants us to take. Not only that, He also wants us to succeed in the journey. In fact he wants that so much, that 2000 years ago God came down to this world to make it possible for us to know him.
The Heart of the Father
You may think it strange to think of God as a father. It may seem that He is so far away. The truth is God has made it possible for us to know him.
The Bible tells us that He not only loves us but He has amazing plans for our lives.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”(1)
You may be thinking, "If God is a father then why does he sometimes seem so far away and distant from me?"
The Bible tells us the answer. It tells us that there is a problem. God loves us but he is also a Holy God. Now as good as we might try to be, we all know we have made mistakes along the way.
The Bible uses the picture of us being like sheep …
"We all like sheep have gone astray."(2)
And this is the problem - God is holy and we are not. This has led to us being separated from God and resulted in a deep inner loneliness. And no matter how we may try to bridge the gap between us and him, we can’t do it – that’s the bad news. But you will see as you continue on this journey there is some really good news too!
To find out about God’s incredible love for you check out the video
{rokbox title=|The Fathers Love Letter| size=|640 390|}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJvqmhGs1Y8&list=FLpMM4oBQYaYp5gj2vKigwDg&index=1&feature=plpp_video{/rokbox}
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(1) Jeremiah 29:11 – The Bible (2) Isaiah 53:6